Selecting Web Domain Is A Creative Process

In the beginning, everybody struggles with the meaning, importance, and relevance and of a web domain. People mix domain with web address and URL. Let me put things in order really quickly for you. Maggie’s Hub has a web domain – maggieshub, its web address is and its URL is See, easy peasy :).

I would like to make your first step ACTIONABLE AND PRACTICAL for you, so let me share 3 huge mistakes people usually do when selecting their web domain.

A substantial amount of money may stay in your pocket should you decide to avoid making them.

Mistake # 1 – Do Not Rush The Creative Process

A decision on the name and type of the domain to be adapted for your business should be one of your first decisions when going online. It should not be rushed for the creative part of the process that requires time and some solid thinking. You need a moment to come up with interesting, relevant and available domain for your business. Unfortunately what happens in real life is your web designer pushing you for the web address to be connected to the web development, ideally now or maybe tomorrow. In result, you participate in a very rapid and disorganized process that may cost you a substantial amount of money and troubles in client acquisition. Wrong domain sends misleading information and creates confusion about who you are and what you do.

Mistake # 2 – Select Relevant Endings And Extensions

In the past, there were very distinctive SEO recommendations for endings (.com, .eu, .uk, .pl) to reflect the area of operations. So if your business operations were limited to one country only, for instance, Austria you would be advised to keep the ending with the .at suffix.  Today with pan-regional and global activities of many companies it makes more sense to adopt .com suffix for commercial enterprises, at least. It is smart however to register several endings to make sure your domain stays with your company in all the important regions. So even if you run your business now in one country only, but you think you might want to expand into the region it will make sense to buy and keep most commercial endings.

You will avoid the huge disappointment and future headache created by the same domain (with a different ending) used by either your competition or by someone active in totally different business, yet creating confusion with your future clients.

Mistake # 3 – Do Not Jump Into Buying Before The Name Resonates

As mentioned in Mistake #1 developing the right domain is a creative process that requires time. In practice, you will be creating multiple domain names, over and over and checking their availability. Before I have landed with, I created about 50 different names. None of them was sitting that well in my heart as Maggie’s Hub does. The trick is to feel it deeply.  Call each name out loud and register what happens in your body. Are there any positive sensations? Do you smile, is your heart melting, do you need more air? The great domain name feels naturally good like you have arrived at home, it looks great, is exceptionally yours and in line with your values. So do not be afraid to spend quality time being in this process.

It took me at least two weeks to come up to, and I have never been happier.

Have a great time developing your domain name!