When Is It Important To Have Call To Action?
Maggie2021-04-02T18:26:38+02:00When Is It Important To Have Call To Action? The other day a friend of mine - business coach and facilitator called me for consultation. She sounded really concerned and she wanted to discuss this Call to Action thing that someone brought to her. I have to admit that she listens to her audience very carefully and tries to respond to the needs presented. She is also in the process of revamping her website so she is particularly cautious for comments related to the user experience (UX). Somebody in her audience mentioned “There is no call to action under your photo on the website where you invite people to your blog. You need to have it, absolutely”. Instinctively she was sure she needs it, yet a little voice in her head called for consultation and check-up. And you know what? I have looked at this particular place on her website,