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So far Maggie has created 30 blog entries.

Chronic Lack Of Time? My Secret Weapon


When you start your own business, you often expect it to bring freedom, creativity, and shorter work hours. Paradoxically, many business owners find themselves struggling with chronic time constraints, feeling enslaved by the clock. Time management techniques teach us prioritizing things and creating the to-do lists to help. But in the long run they frequently add on the excruciating frustration and disempowerment. Strategies for Effective Time Management There are several optional strategies to adopt here, but I would like to share with you two of them which saved my life massively and helped me to introduce tremendous changes that are in my experience currently. Strategy #1: Save Yourself Look at your list and ask yourself: Which of these tasks are absolutely essential TODAY? What will happen if I do not do it TODAY? Funny enough most of the items could be easily passed to another

Chronic Lack Of Time? My Secret Weapon2023-12-21T14:49:57+01:00

Increase Your Revenue Three Times


Have you ever been thinking about what might happen, what might be possible for you if you earn 2-3-4-5 times more money than today? We are going to talk today about how you can challenge yourself to increase your monthly revenues beyond what you think is possible for you. I’m going to share with you three easy to follow keys to unlock your new income, triple it and make it your new normal. I say NO to powerless self-doubts and resentful unconfidence. They are easy-to-follow practices that helped me massively put myself on the fearless growth trajectory towards six figures and multiple six figures quickly. There is no magic pill you need to swallow and say a spell. But there is some work to be done by you. Not a complicated one and one that gives impressive results in a short time. The only thing

Increase Your Revenue Three Times2021-04-02T18:24:20+02:00

How To Set Prices To Grow Your Business And Your Confidence


Pricing strategy is an energetic practice and your ability to set up new prices reflects your current state of mind and your beliefs around money. You want to charge prices that bring the smile to your lips, make you proud and enhance your life instead of complicating it. In reality, one of the first conversations I have with my clients is always about charging. Unfortunately, the common practice for female entrepreneurs is to undercharge and then over-deliver. Stepping inside your truth and perceiving the true value of your services leads to many internal shifts and so the external reality must also catch-up. How much do you want to charge? Once you set aligned prices for your 1:1 and intimate group programmes, you can serve more powerfully and the whole game changes. Yes, it takes some internal work and adjustment in marketing our services, but it’s a gratifying

How To Set Prices To Grow Your Business And Your Confidence2020-12-17T16:49:48+01:00

Five Mindset Levers To Conquer Most Business Challenges


Any challenge in your business, related to your clients, prices, team, products, services, suppliers, etc., is always the mindset issue. As a business owner, you want to keep your power and act from the place of magical, personal power, not the position of discomfort, fear, self-doubt. Think about how you can conquer most business challenges with five simple mindset levers that could be used easily every day. They create a magical transformation you desire and are scientifically proven to work. Mindset determines your success. There is a massive difference between the unstoppable mindset that will elevate you and help you make quantum shifts and closed, a negative mindset that keeps you small and stuck in the same place. Marketing and sales activities for many online entrepreneurs, especially introvert ones, feel unnatural and frankly unbearable. Some people try to force themselves to do things they do

Five Mindset Levers To Conquer Most Business Challenges2021-04-02T18:25:02+02:00

Calibration Into Powerful Branding


When you are a solo entrepreneur, coach, consultant, the expert then you finally have all the FREEDOM in the world to decide how you want to be seen and perceived in the world. You do not need to follow anybody’s advice and you are just free to decide what’s yours what is not. It is totally amazing state to be and you can actually milk it making sure your brand represents 100% your authentic voice and personality. Remember that brand is not a logo but really a promise of experience for your clients, followers, fans. The question remains how to approach the brand-building process with confidence so you can walk away with the personal brand that is fully aligned with you and your soul calling. Unfortunately in reality, right after the company registration women entrepreneurs just crave for any logo to put on their website and their

Calibration Into Powerful Branding2020-10-15T13:32:54+02:00

Four Practices To Upgrade Your Financial Reality


Law of Attraction becomes really popular these days which makes more and more people wanting to practice it daily and benefit from its blessing. Unfortunately, a lot of people start their work around manifestation from the place of dissatisfaction of WHAT IS.  On top of that, they express doubts about what is possible for them not giving themselves permission to receive more than ever. These two approaches become  #1 mistake leading to a huge misconception and misinterpretation at the very start of the process. Acting from the place of lack and dissatisfaction of the current situation sends out the wrong signal and lowers your vibration immensly. In this episode, #maggiebiernacka shares four practices that can help hugely to change the financial capacity and financial reality in your environment. Practice 1 - Brain dump or decluttering It's a simple but not trivial exercise that requires a listing of all

Four Practices To Upgrade Your Financial Reality2020-10-15T13:44:03+02:00

Craft Your Irresistible Offers With Grace And Ease


Being serious about your business means developing it also by selling. I mean here good, old, personal sales, not an automated funnel, where it is very little or zero contact with prospective clients. I’m not against automation, but I have a strong opinion about being visible out there and being in regular with your prospects. You cannot hide behind the scenes, and you can’t avoid your future clients if your dream about successful business. I know that for the introverts, it sounds serious; for some of them, it might become a severe problem at the beginning. But no worries, sales is a skill that could be learned like any other skill you have already mastered in your life. The ugly truth is that sales is the fuel for your business. If you do not like selling and do not practice it every day, you have

Craft Your Irresistible Offers With Grace And Ease2021-04-02T18:25:16+02:00

Busting Visibility Blocks: Overcoming Self-Doubts


Do you ever find yourself fearing the camera, doubting your ability to speak sensibly, or hesitating to put your face behind your brand? If you can relate to any of these fears, this video is tailored just for you. It unveils three powerful practices to conquer these nagging self-doubts. Breaking Through Visibility Blocks: A Masterclass for Empowered Women This masterclass is designed for women forging their online empires but feeling demotivated by their fears. If you're unsure how to silence these doubts, this training material is for you. It's equally valuable for course creators, program providers, and change-makers. It's tailored for the determined ladies prepared for a journey that can sometimes be: Messy Scary Chaotic Turbulent Change is often challenging. Staying in the comfort of the familiar is easier than leaping into the unknown. Just because you've never done it, don't control it, or haven't

Busting Visibility Blocks: Overcoming Self-Doubts2023-12-22T12:20:42+01:00

How Can I Build A Bulletproof Brand?


A brand is not a logo or a company name. Nowadays, you can brand a service, a person, or even a concept the same way you brand products or companies. Brand owners do that to stand out from the crowd, to differentiate from other similar products, services, or ideas. In my opinion, a bulletproof brand is an extraordinary brand that can survive any apocalypse. It can thrive and grow in any times. People respond to brands; they feel attracted to their energy and appeal precisely the same way they react to other people's vibration. That is why it is smart to equip your brand with specific attributes so that your brand has a voice and personality. The identity of your brand (name, color schemes, and logo) needs to match your personality and your point of view blueprint. Why is that? Because the bulletproof brand starts

How Can I Build A Bulletproof Brand?2020-09-21T14:10:02+02:00

Technology Drives Me Crazy


Moving an offline business into online activities means acquiring a lot of new qualities and even more technical support that you would need on the go. For many women entrepreneurs, it feels like learning a foreign language, actually several of them at once. If you take into consideration all the landing pages, payment integrations, social media, virtual calendars, tools for video conferencing, and for making courses, it is already a lot. But you sill need website creation, podcasts, applications for graphic design, campaign efficiency measurements, marketing automation systems, and many, many more. Even pure knowledge about what precisely you need could be overwhelming. Additionally, each of these tech elements creates a separate universe that requires not only initial understanding but also the substantial portion of usability know-how followed by the ability to maximize its impact on your business.  Every one of these technical tools can

Technology Drives Me Crazy2020-09-21T14:11:08+02:00
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